Monday, April 26, 2010

Same Sex Marriage

There are arguments as to whether or not homosexual couples should be allowed to have the same right as heterosexual couples. Some people are against it because it is not natural and it goes against the age old rule of one man and one woman. Other people believe that they should be able to have the same rights as anybody else and they should be able to love whoever they want. I agree with the latter group, I believe that being homosexual is something natural that people are born as and there is nothing wrong with it. Also, people's relationships do not really affect anybody but the two that are in that relationship, so other people's input should not really be the deciding factor as to whether or not homosexuality is right.

A lot of known arguments against homosexuality are ones that have religion tied in them somehow. This article gives nonreligious reasons as to why some people do not approve of homosexuality. A lot of this article is mainly about gay marriage than gay relationships. The author writes that gay couples can do ceremonies and have family benefits without actually getting legally married.

This article that is for gay marriage is very opinionated and strong in its belief. It definitely reaches far to the other end of the spectrum. It discusses the stereotypes that many people have of gay people and later gives its interpretations as to why they believe people really are against gay marriage.

Both of these articles give interesting views to this topic. I still have to stick to being pro gay rights on this one though. Some may believe that they are ruining the sanctity of marriage; but looking at the some of the marriages that some heterosexuals become a part of: marrying for money, quickie marriages, etc., I believe that the sanctity of marriage is truly ruined by these types of marriages with the ones who take it for granted.

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