Monday, April 26, 2010

Response to Alanna's Blog

Alanna wrote a blog titled "Slow Food: A Great Idea in Theory". This blog discusses how due to the busy schedules that many of us have these days, eating a whole and healthy meal prepared from scratch is becoming a rarer occurrence. These days, many of us mainly eat to survive and this shows up in our refrigerators and freezers when you see the microwavable foods and the frozen pizzas. When making her meal, Alanna even said that part of the reason she chose this meal was because it was easily modified so she did not have to run to the store to get all the ingredients for it. A lot of people don't have the time or feel the urge to make a homemade meal these days.

I have a stay at home mom so when I go home I usually get a homemade meal where my whole family sits down together and eats. I have noticed that when I tell my friends about this, more and more of them look at me like I am from another planet, eating meals together has become a thing of the past it seems.

I agreed with her when she said that Slow Food seemed like a good idea in theory. A lot of people will think that it sounds or looks good but they are not going to try the Slow Food route. It is expensive and time consuming. And for some of us living in the dorms, it is not that easy or affordable to become a part
of the Slow Food movement. Some places on campus are starting to get into Slow Food though. Rheta's dining hall in Chadbourne has Slow Food breakfast every morning. So this Slow Food trend seems to be slowly catching on for everyone. Making an idea like Slow Food more known and easier to become a part of could make a big difference in the way that we eat.

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